Saturday, February 23, 2013

Crochet By Ami

Crochet By Ami makes handmade crochet baby clothing and accessories, among other things. Check out some of the cute Easter items. Make sure you like her page to show your support.

Could you survive without money?

I came across an interesting article this morning of a family living and surviving without money for nearly 2 years. It made me ponder a bit what would life br for me without it. How can we survive? When you think of someone without money, I associate it as being poor and helpless. But not true at all. You can be frugal in your living. It is true that we are a wastful and consumer driven society. Sometime we need to stop and think what are we working so hard for and what our end result needs to be not what we wished it could be. With hard work and determination ee can successfully achieve and maintain a fulfilling life without the materialistic objects to satisfy our means. Take a look at the article. It was an eye opener for me. How about you.

Friday, February 22, 2013

About Me

Hello world! Everyday Mom was conceived when I needed an outlet to express my thoughts, ideas, and happenings that affect or will affect the life of my family. These posts may resonant with a fellow mom or mom to be. I am a mother of two beautiful girls ages 3yrs and 6mos and wife to a loving and supportive husband. I have a degree in Education but am currently a stay at home mom. Although I am not currently working, I actually am. I am a mother and wife first who wears many hats: cook, banker, maid, chauffeur, receptionist, etc. A jack of all trades if you will.